Palmer Johnson Power Systems

Collaborative Website Redesign Process


Like any website redesign, this project involved multiple stakeholders with individual goals and desires, ourselves included. For the project to be successful, we needed to address known problems, gather input and buy-in, establish design system guardrails, and agree on a unified vision of success.


Instead of a big reveal approach to the new design, we collaborated at each step of the process. First, we gathered feedback on content and design issues while outlining common pitfalls. Weeks later, we presented solutions to key issues, allowing every stakeholder to clearly understand the site's evolution.

PJPS Keynote Presentation

Breaking a Huge Redesign into Bite-Sized Successes

One of the biggest challenges of a large site redesign is maximizing stakeholder input while minimizing subjective challenges. Make the logo bigger. Add a third level to the main navigation. It needs to be at the top of the homepage. The News page feels boring. Too much empty space.

On this project, we addressed similar common concerns by presenting what wasn't working in the current design. This allowed everyone on the team to clearly see why certain design principles were worth pursuing. When new solutions were presented later, while not necessarily to every individual's personal taste, they were recognized by all as clear improvements that were on brand.