Johnson Industries International

Main Navigation Slide-Out


Like many equipment manufacturers, Johnson Industries International had a wide catalog of products to navigate on its site. Websites of similar companies were overwhelming and difficult to navigate.


Astuteo designed a bold, dropdown navigation to slide out from behind the header. We used cheese images related to each category instead of text or equipment photos, making it a little easier to navigate at a glance.

Johnson Site Header Navigation - 2x Resolution

Johnson Industries International had a ton of product lines, subproducts, and accessory equipment to feature on its site. In researching how to design the main nav, we found that the websites of similar equipment manufacturers were especially hard to navigate, often with three (or even four) levels of navigation.

We implemented a submenu that would slide out from underneath the header when the main category was hovered over. To make it more intuitive for users, we included cheese images that related to the product category in the menu, rather than plain text or images of the equipment. This made it easier for users to quickly understand each category and cruise through the website.

Johnson Industries International was acquired by Tetrapak® in 2017.